⭐Sadie Female Jacket with Top.
Hud Controlled.
Rigged Mesh sizes for Maitreya, Belleza Freya, with the use of alpha hud.
The FATPACK includes:
HUD to Choose 40 colors + 5 textures for the jacket, lines, straps. 40 colors and 20 textures for the top and cuffs and 2 metals.
⭐Sadie Skirt
Rigged Mesh sizes for Maitreya, Belleza Freya, with the use of alpha hud.
The FATPACK includes 4 HUDS:
HUD to Choose 40 colors + 15 textures for the upper, middle, lower parts of the skirt. Option to make normal of c-thruth the lower part.
HUD to Choose 40 colors + 15 textures for the belt straps and strap.
HUD to Choose 40 colors for the Lace and 2 metals. Also option to on/off specular.
HUD to Choose 40 colors for the Panties.
⭐Sadie Female Socks.
Rigged Mesh sizes for Maitreya, Belleza Freya, with the use of alpha hud.
HUD to Choose 40 colors for the socks and on/off specular.